Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Bottle Cap Mosaic Mural Prototype - Euhri Jones Lets it Roll!

Last week we prototyped bottle cap mosaic technique. Eurhi Jones, an accomplished muralist and eco-artist laid out a basic design.  Then we slathered a particle board with premixed thinset and Eurhi traced the lines for our design which will likely be defined by white lines.
Solid white bottle caps are plentiful, and it gives structure to the concept.
Then we proceeded to lay in the cap "tiles". The first challenge is that bottle caps have depth, while ceramic tiles are flat, giving tiles more surface area for adhering.
Two heads are always better than one, so we came up with a fix: inserting a smaller bottle cap inside to fill up space and give more surface area. The red lower left corner was done that way so we'll see if we have better grip.
We were less particular about avoiding printing and embossing for our prototype, but you get the idea. Different sizes and levels add visual interest and texture. The blue "frame" tiles are Ensure Nutritional Supplement tops - they have a metallic inset which reflects light. Love them!
The board is 30 inches; the FoodMoxie Keyhole Garden will be 36" high. It will be a six foot circle, so only part of the design will be visible from any vantage point.
The design elements can be more refined if we have good color and size distribution, so if you're local, keep saving solid color caps! We need a minimum of 5,000.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Collecting: 5000 Solid Color Bottle Caps!!

We are collecting solid color threaded bottle caps for a mosaic mural on the exterior of
FoodMoxie's Keyhole Garden built of BottleBricks